5 Computer Hygiene Tips

How to Ensure Your Computer is Safe

There is no 100% foolproof way to ensure that your internet connected computer is safe from threats.  However there are 5 common sense steps every computer user can take to protect themselves from typical threats.

  1.  It starts with security updates. PC, Mac, Android, whatever. No matter what your operating system, anything from the manufacturer with the word “security” in the title should be downloaded and installed. For windows users, this is EXTREMELY important. This is your single best defense against malware.
  2. Don’t forget about your apps! Flash, Java, Chrome, Firefox, and Acrobat are also places you can get attacked. Keep ’em updated. Watch out for the checkboxes though!
  3. Get Good Antivirus. For most users MalwareBytes and ESET are a great place to start. Don’t let robot images fool you, these are good products and well worth the money.
  4. Trust, but Verify. Did your Uncle Kevin really travel to Belgrade and suddenly need $10,000? Does your daughter routinely send emails that need a password to open them? If the answer is probably not, then you probably should not open those emails. You carry the entire internet in your pocket! Text, facebook or call before you open.
  5. Get good Backup. We use a tightly integrated, custom cloud solution for our customers but there are some great products out there that are worth it. Crashplan, Carbonite and iDrive are well regarded. Everyone forgets about their photos and files until their gone.

There are many more, but we consider these our bases We start with OS security updates, followed by 3rd party updates, then good AV, user verification and finally backup. These 5 things make your computer and browsing much, much safer.

If you have any questions or concerns connect with us on your favorite social media platform or contact us the ol’ fashioned way!

The post 5 Computer Hygiene Tips appeared first on Proper Sky.

From Philadelphia with love
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