SharePoint: The Basics

Creating a Microsoft SharePoint folder:

Step 1: Sign in to Microsoft SharePoint
  • Open your web browser and go to the Microsoft SharePoint site – If you enter, you will be redirected to the homepage.
  • Sign in using your Microsoft 365 account credentials (email and password).
Step 2: Navigate to the Document Library
  • Once you are logged in, you will land on the SharePoint homepage.
  • Navigate to the site where you want to create the folder. SharePoint sites usually have a left-hand navigation menu with various options.
Step 3: Open the Document Library
  • Within the selected site, find the “Documents” or “Documents Library” option. It may also be labeled as “Files” or “Library.”
  • Click on the “Documents” link to access the Document Library.
Step 4: Create a New Folder
  • In the Document Library, you should see a toolbar or ribbon at the top with various options.
  • Look for a button labeled “New” and click on it. A drop-down menu will appear.
Step 5: Select “Folder”
  • From the drop-down menu, choose “Folder” to create a new folder within the Document Library.
Step 6: Name the Folder
  • A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to provide a name for the new folder.
  • Enter the desired name for your folder. Make sure to use a descriptive and meaningful name.
Step 7: Confirm and Create
  • After entering the folder name, click on the “Create” button or “Save” to confirm and create the folder.
Step 8: Folder Created
  • You have successfully created a new folder in Microsoft SharePoint.
  • The folder will now appear in the Document Library, and you can start adding files and documents to it.


Work with files in Files On-Demand

Conceptual image of an online only file Save space on your device by making files online-only.

These files are only available when you’re connected to the Internet, but don’t take up space on your computer.

Conceptual image of a locally available file When you open an online-only file, it downloads to your device and becomes locally available.

You can open a locally available file at anytime even without Internet access.

Conceptual image of an always available file To make a file always available, even when you’re offline:

  • Right-click it and select Always keep on this device.

To change a file back to an online-only file:

  • Right-click it and select Free up space.



From Philadelphia with love
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