Business Continuity

  Shadow IT is a phenomenon that lurks in the corners of organizations, presenting both opportunities and risks that businesses must grapple with in their quest for efficiency and innovation. What is Shadow IT? Shadow IT refers to the use of IT systems, devices, software, applications, and services...

  As a small or medium-sized businesses (SMBs) you can't afford to overlook the importance of digital transformation. It's more than just a trendy term; it's a crucial step for survival and expansion. Digital transformation is about integrating digital technology into every aspect of your business to...

  Are you keeping up with the business tech world or falling behind? Small businesses leaders wear so many hats, it’s easy to push off things like tech innovation and IT strategic business planning when things simply work as they are now. But that’s where your SMB...

  Are you taking the time to evaluate your strategic partners and vendors? Are you getting the value you deserve? Are your evolving business needs adequately met? Your IT services provider is no exception.  At Proper Sky we talk to several small businesses every week who outsource...

In simple terms, business continuity is what you do to make sure your business suffers the minimum possible disruption from an unexpected interruption. This could include a network crash, cyber attack, or physical damage to equipment. It's a concept that has replaced the old term,...

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