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Cyber Security

Liberte, Securite, Proper Sky.

As a modern-day business, most of your operations take place in the technological and online space. You rely on computers and phones for many of your tasks; they’re integral to keeping the company alive, functioning, and productive. The number one threat to your success and livelihood are nefarious actors who want to steal your information and use it for their own gain — financial or otherwise. That’s why we take security seriously at Proper Sky, and why we only want to give our clients a proper sense of security.


Electronic medical and health records should be easy to use, accessible, and secure.

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are crucial for systemizing important patient data, so when selecting an EHR or EMR, you need to make the right decisions. We’ll guide you every step of the way.

IT Strategy

We believe in creating a tailored IT strategy which aligns with your organization’s goals.

We don’t come in and demand things our way. Instead, we like to collaborate on finding a strategy that works for your budget and your company size. We take a comprehensive look at what you’re trying to accomplish as a business, then structure the strategy around those goals to maximize success.

Managed IT

Your team values efficiency, security, and innovation. By taking a proactive approach to information technology, you can ensure your team will not be overburdened, and you’ll reduce unnecessary bottlenecks that prevent progress.

Microsoft / Office 365

What’s better than blue sky thinking? Cloud thinking.

Cloud technology is absolutely necessary in 2017: it’s inherently functional, easy to use, boosts productivity ten-fold, and inspires a proactive work ethic. Cloud software also ensures documents are stored securely in a private, protected environment. With Proper Sky’s managed cloud services, you no longer have to worry about hacks or halts. Focus on the core of your business while we take care of all the technological aspects. Our services are optimized for maximum security, efficiency, and affordability.

Join Our Webinar


All it takes is one bad email to get through to the wrong user and your business is at serious risk. Email phishing attacks are by far still the #1 culprit of Ransomware and successful data breach on small businesses.

Imagine your inbox as the gates to your castle. Would you leave the doors wide open for your enemies? Let’s transform your business into a secure fortress and together put an end to this email nightmare once and for all!

Thursday, May 23, 2024 @ 1 p.m. ET.

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